This proposed development comprises new commercial floor space on the ground floor and first floor and four (4) new tourist and visitor accommodation units at Level 2, undertaken in two stages.

The proposed development application is permissible under BLEP14 and is consistent with the relevant provisions of BDCP14, however, a meeting was held with Council Officers in relation to a draft scheme for the site, including a minor variation to the maximum height of buildings permitted and basement car parking. The scheme has been revised to fully comply with Council’s planning controls.
Consideration and calculations were needed for car parking requirements with the change in floor area. An additional 10 spaces are provided in the car park via a car lift, with specialist engineering advice sought for this design initiative. To meet the shortfall of car parking spaces required for the commercial development a Voluntary Planning Agreement with Byron Shire Council is proposed.
Location – Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
Year – 2020
PLANNERS NORTH, Town Planners, Northern Rivers, NSW