This site has an area of approximately 5.78 hectares and contains an existing dwelling house accessed via Avocado Crescent. Following a development application and consent for the subdivision of the land into seven lots in 2016, PLANNERS NORTH has been engaged to prepare a Planning Proposal for the site. The purpose of this proposal is to amend the current controls that apply to the land, to enable a minimum subdivision lot size of 4000m2. This involves an amendment to the Minimum Subdivision Lot Size Map to Clause 4.1 of BLEP14 to indicate a minimum lot size of 4,000 m2. The proposed R5 Large Lot Residential Zone would be retained.

The Planning Proposal has been prepared in accordance with Section 3.33, of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.
For the purposes of researching the strategic characteristics of the subject site with regard to the Planning Proposal, specialist advice was sought for traffic, environment, bushfire hazard, wastewater, stormwater and potential land contamination. Consideration was given to the services, ensuring water supply, onsite wastewater management, telecommunications and electricity could be adequately serviced. With the preparation of the development application in 2016, assessments were made in relation to ecological attributes, bushfire, wastewater, potential land contamination and stormwater and this proposal raises no further issues.
The regional strategic planning context relevant to this Planning Proposal is the North Coast Regional Plan (NCRP), an initiative of the NSW Government to guide sustainable growth across the North Coast Region. This proposal is consistent with the goals and directions of this Regional Plan, delivering environmentally sustainable growth, enhancing biodiversity, coastal and aquatic habitats, and water catchments and delivering a potential greater housing supply. Additionally, Council has published and endorsed in 2012 a Community Strategic Plan which this Planning Proposal references. Included in this Planning Proposal is an assessment of the Planning Proposal against applicable State Environmental Planning Policies and a summary assessment of the Planning Proposal against the Directions issued by the Minister for Planning under Section 9.1 of the EP&A Act
Location – Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
Year – 2020
PLANNERS NORTH, Town Planners, Northern Rivers, NSW