Development of 4 x 1 bedroom and 4 x 2 bedroom cabins
This project required close work with the architects to prepare a Statement of Environmental Effects report in support of a proposed tourist and accommodation centre in Talofa. In addition, given the rural and undeveloped nature of the site, reports were required in relation to Bushfire Assessment, Onsite Wastewater Capability Assessment, Engineering and Vegetation Management for restoration areas.
The land is zoned RU2 Rural Landscape where tourist and visitor accommodation is permissible with Council’s consent. Additionally, the proposed tourist and visitor accommodation is low key and small scale, consistent with the provisions of BLEP14 and BDCP14, and mapped as potential land for rural tourist cabins in accordance with the provisions of Byron Rural Settlement Strategy 1988.
The proposed development is designed to ensure that sustainable primary production can continue and prosper, whilst agricultural pursuits will be supported by income from the rural and tourist accommodation. The Statement of Environmental Effects considered that both ecological attributes of the site are protected by the proposed development, and the social and economic considerations included potential impacts on the surrounding area and the potential for supplementing and improving agricultural pursuits on the site.

Location – Talofa, NSW, Australia
Year – 2020
PLANNERS NORTH, Town Planners, Northern Rivers, NSW